All Vectors

Vector nameUser Created Type Likes
Mutated XSS with img onerrorsqjor7/30/2024XSS0
Chrome logo 3
Firefox logo 3
Safari logo 3
Entities that convert to less than in a iframe srcdochackvertor8/1/2024XSS0
Safari logo 3
Entities that convert to greater than in a iframe srcdochackvertor8/1/2024XSS0
Safari logo 39
Chrome logo 39
Firefox logo 1
HTML tags that force HTML mode inside SVGhackvertor8/2/2024XSS1
Chrome logo 6
Characters that can work as attribute seperatorSudistark8/17/2024JS0
Chrome logo 1
Firefox logo 1
Safari logo 1
Characters allowed before event in attribute name using setAttributehackvertor8/21/2024JS0
Firefox logo 5
Safari logo 5
Chrome logo 5
Characters allowed in path traversaljoaxcar8/26/2024JS0
Bypasses for __proto__ string matchvitorfhc8/29/2024JS0
Chrome logo 1
Bypass __proto__ string match defensevitorfhc8/29/2024JS0
Chrome logo 4
URL domain dot alternativesJorianWoltjer9/10/2024JS4
Chrome logo 5
Characters allowed between multiple HTML attributesJorianWoltjer9/12/2024XSS0
Chrome logo 4
Entities allowed between two forward slashesInsertScript9/19/2024XSS1
Characters allowed in colon entityInsertScript9/19/2024XSS0
Chrome logo 2
JIS X 0208 bytes that produce ASCII charactersJorianWoltjer9/22/2024JS1
Chrome logo 70
Firefox logo 71
Safari logo 71
Characters urlencoded that get transformed when using the credentials part of the URLhackvertor9/24/2024JS0
Safari logo 2
Firefox logo 2
Chrome logo 2
Characters not urlencoded when using the shema part of the URLd0ge9/24/2024JS0
Chrome logo 89
Firefox logo 89
Safari logo 89
Characters unencoded characters supported in the hashhackvertor9/24/2024JS1
Chars allowed before domaint0xodile9/24/2024XSS0
Firefox logo 4
Safari logo 4
Chrome logo 4
Characters that cause an external URL before @hackvertor9/25/2024JS2
Chrome logo 4
Firefox logo 4
Safari logo 4
Entities that cause an external URL before @hackvertor9/25/2024XSS3

Found 152 records

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